Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Malnik of Florida

Alvin Malnik of Florida is well known for his 40-year tenure as a successful international businessman with roots in South Florida. Throughout the years, Mr. Malnik has received recognition and accolades from local businesses and organizations, and twice received the key to the city of Miami for his business and personal contributions.

Mr. Malnik and his family are committed to supporting causes and charities directly touching people’s lives. Al and his wife Nancy are lifetime benefactors of the South Florida 'Make-a-Wish Foundation' and have opened their home for events supporting the organization. “They literally bring children back to life by granting a wish,” Al said.

The Malnik family have pledged $1 million to the 'Jay Weiss Center for Social Medicine and Health Equity in Miami' (based in Florida) named after Mr. Malnik's lifelong friend. “I knew how much Jay loved the work he was

doing with the medical school,” said Al. “When I heard there was going to be a center devoted to doing the activities he so loved, I wanted to be a part of it.”

Other donations include $1 million to establish the 'Al and Nancy Malnik Family AML Research Fund' at the' Dana-Farber Cancer Institute' in Boston and support of the 'Nat King Cole Generation Hope Foundation' and the 'South Florida Holocaust Documentation and Education Center'.

Alvin Malnik’s contributions go well beyond financial support and contributions. Al serves on the board of multiple civic, arts and religious-based organizations and has developed an unwavering desire to help nonprofit organizations and charities dedicated to helping the underserved.